In my previous post about Friendsgiving (read here) I promised some photos of the Friendsgiving I hosted.
This was just one of those days everything came together perfectly, the weather, the turkey, the timing and the friends.
We enjoyed every last bit of it, but let the pictures speak for itself.
The menu of the day:
Cheese Platter with the following:
Woolworths Gouda,
Dutch Smoked Cheese,
Fairview Baked Camembert Cheese with White Wine and Rosemary,
Fairview White Rock with Figs.
Starters, Baked Brie Puffs - Bronnie and Mac
These beauties were served with Cranberry Jelly.
I think that Onion Marmalade will be just as tasty.
Mixed Berry and Blue Cheese Salad- Rian
This salad is Rian's speciality. I'm not a big fan of blue cheese, but in this salad it just works.
Pumpkin Tartlets and Crushed Roasted Potatoes- Danel and Don & Roasted Vegetables- Vaughan
Uuuummm... I think its save to say that Friendsgiving can't be without pumpkin and these were a winner!
Bacon, Lemon and Rosemary Turkey
Ooo.. the big one! Also one on my bucket list and I'm glad to say it was perfect.
Honey and Mustard Glazed Pork Belly
This one was on my bucket list of things to make for a long time and was I glad I did! Boy was it easy!!
Pomegranate and Berry Pavlova with Chocolate Sauce- Ty
This was there perfect dessert after a full menu.
Okay so food is a big part of what makes a good dinner party, but what makes is great is the prep and of course the dinner table. I decided on a Protea theme as it is fresh and truly South African. Here is some pics of the dinner table.
Protea Centerpiece with Candles
Thank you for sharing this experience with me.
Drop me a comment if you want to know any recipes from the menu, I’m sure I can twist a friends arm for it.